and so, with the plague tower completed, the vulture gunship i received from forge world almost done (2 more guard HK missiles and its ready to prime), and nothing else left to assemble, i find myself without a springtime project... sad, i know...
as it stands now, the weather is improving, so i will be able to actually go outside and prime my fantasy greenskin project, "queer eye for the green guy"... the base of the entire army will be a powder pink spray paint i picked up at home depot, with varying degrees of ink (and in the case of my black orcs, glitter) applied to clothing and armor... oh yes... there will be gay in my collection...
but that is not the purpose of this post, as you can clearly see by the image... this is an update based solely upon metal and muscle... this, dear public, is the announcement that i have already started devising my own subjugator of slaanesh for apocalypse...
this 500 point, 3 structure, super-heavy walker of huggy badness will be based off two complete defiler boxes for most of the parts, as well as a lot of ad-lib construction and random bits for the rest (warstore will appreciate the business for spare parts)... but it doesn't stop there, children... there is one more surprise in store: the subjugator's doom siren will be a functional amplified speaker hooked up to an mp3 player...
i'll let that previous statement sink in for a bit...
as such, i have already found the perfect circuit plan for an amp that runs on a 9v battery, and requires minimal cost investment (already own the soldering equipment)... but enough about that - you want to know how i plan on doing the rest of the beast... so here are the steps i will be taking, in order, to get this project done...
1. lower body/hip assembly - can't build anything without a base to model it on, so the hip assembly must come first...
2. leg assembly x4 - using two kits' worth, plus a third leg sprue from warstore, i can make tri-segmented legs for added height, as well as double-thick for a tougher look...
3. audio amplifier assembly - before i can go any further, i will need to build the circuit on a tiny patch-board and make sure it works, as well as keep it small for the next step... i may or may not attach the speaker at this point...
4. upper body/torso assembly - once i have the size of the circuit finalized, i can begin building the torso around it; the torso will have to fit the mp3 player, 9v battery, circuit, insulation, and speaker... the actual siren cosmetics will be done at this time as well and attached to the chest of the beast... also, this will require creative pinning on my part, as the mp3 player and battery would need to be removable, most likely having the chest swing upward...
5. arm assembly x2 - with two sets of defiler claws, i will make the subjugator arms using the same style as the legs... easy enough...
6. blastmaster assembly - the twin-linked blastmaster will undoubtedly be an original design, and will have the honor of being the beast's giant penis of death, hanging scorpion style between the legs under the hip assembly... that's right... giant penis of death...
7. tormenter cannon assembly x2 - using the two defiler cannons, i plan on mounting them on servo-platforms attached to shoulder armor, a la the predator... this is both aesthetics and functionality at work, giving the beast freedom to target as it pleases and still kill and destroy with the remainder of its weapons...
8. add pieces of flair - this will be the difficult part... i will be modeling green stuff for possessed organic bits, plus already ordered slaanesh marine icons for use on the vehicle... then theres the daemonette banners i still have left over... lots of spiky bits and razor wire wrapped around things... there will also be chains hanging down, but those will not be added until after the final assembly...
9. prime everything separately - there will be a hip section, torso section, 4 legs, 2 arms, 2 shoulder cannons, and a blastmaster... the base color will be a deep magenta, most likely spray paint from home depot again (i saw a very good color for it)...
10. paint everything separately - this bears no explanation, as this is a giant, complex model... it would be silly to try to paint all angles after the fact...
11. final installation before assembly - the speaker would be installed with the amp and player inside the torso...
12. final assembly and spray varnish - legs to hip first, then torso to hip, then arms to torso, then shoulders to arms, then penis to groin, then chains to various locations... after all this, two light coats of spray varnish...
13. open a beer and throw a party - because this is how i roll...