well there they are, my lovely sisters of battle... with two squads of stormtroopers... and now two exorcists... after a few conversations with other players, i decided to make the list a little more punchy, and took out the infantry platoon - having 10 squads able to hold objectives is great, but the lascannons were unreliable and their armour not so good... sure, if i could take more guardsmen i would, but it would be better suited as an allied company for apocalypse...
so i dropped the 382 points the platoon had cost me and did more number crunching to come up with, minus the 4 sisters with meltas i have on order, the picture above: canoness with 10 sisters, 15 sisters, 15 more sisters, 10 storm troopers in a rhino, 10 more storm troopers in another rhino, 6 dominion in an immolator, an exorcist, and a second exorcist... two tanks with badass firepower, four fast assault units, and another 41 models with power armour to play the mid-field... will it stand up to other armies? theoryhammer says yes, but saturday i play test it...
it is true that im using whirlwinds as exorcists, but with some minor adjustments they look similar enough to pass... i turned the turret plate on top around so that the mount is in the center of the tank, like the predator... with the missile pods glued so they face forward rather than up, it gives the illusion of an armour-hunter (like the real-life M901)... using the 5-a-side pieces, they look like high capacity missile tank, which is exactly what the exorcist is... i had no desire to use the pipe organ of doom because its not in keeping with the "no nonsense" attitude of my army - my sisters are the wrath of the emperor's will, and they do not stand for such cheap decorations... i could have ordered the conversion kits from forge world, but it would cost me $46 on top of $60 for the rhinos, and that's just not cost effective... my forge world order will be icons instead, since they are MUCH cheaper...
so with 1848 points on paper, i now have a smaller list to paint, which means ill be guaranteed to have them done by the 17th... /post