so another christmas season over with, and hooray for that... last night's dj spot in nyc went rather well, and we've been asked to come back jan 29th, so hooray for that as well...
today, however, was spent being all commercial - i dropped $120 at the RT on models for both my sisters and my beasts, the latter of which is now completed at 2250 pt... the sisters will only require an exorcist, but that will have to wait until i get some more moneys...
with that said, i have assembled a second inquisitorial rhino, 10 more battle sisters, and a herd of 20 gors and ungors this evening... i have also, after a massive gap in time, constructed two m:tg decks (tournament 60 with sidebar)... the last time i played magic, ice age was the newest expansion... the last time i played, the only other kids that played were asians, so i naturally lost big time on that... however, my dj'ing partner (5witcH.HitteR) has gotten me back into the game, and i now feel a rivalry coming on...
im unsure if im going to game or just paint tomorrow... probably paint... /post
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