i am fully aware that what you see before you is incredibly orky, but believe me, it is not... this is, in fact, the scaffolding for my chaos doomsday device, the fourth super-heavy construct for an upcoming mega battle... and the plastic it is being glued to is actually a plastruct pond kit, meant for model towns and what not... meanwhile, in a 28mm scale game it makes for a decent terrain base - not so much crater as a natural depression... since i decided (this morning) to build a doomsday device, this seemed the best premade base i could ask for (and for only $12)...
the doomsday device itself, i decided (also this morning), should be more than what games workshop showed on the apocalypse - they made a coffin-shaped mockup with some kitbashing... i decided to go vintage death weapon with my incarnation, and came upon the greatest wargame structure i could recall from my youth - the obelisk of light from command & conquer... yes, the brotherhood of nod's giant pointy laser tower shall be my doomsday device... i can almost see kane smiling upon me as i type... yes... total devastation in the name of peace...
as you can also see from the pic, i started with a square base concept with two jutting points, then scrapped that for a more quirky look - the triangle... the base is equilateral, 3 inches per side, with the next triangle (the one with the composition notebook back on it) being 2 inches per side... the inside supports going from triangle to triangle make this base level 4 inches high (scaled 24 feet), and the outside supports rotate the top about 30 degrees to the right - this makes the base corkscrew upward... supports were added in the middle for when the sides are cut and attached... i haven't decided if they will be triangular or concave yet, owing to the fact i did all this in about an hour and ran out of wood... i also need to decide if i'm going to use sheets of flexible PVC or wood for the sides... i want to say PVC, just because the paint job will be smoother... the base itself will be trimmed down to suit my terrain needs, glue applied, followed by garden variety sand (literally)... spray paint and drybrushing applied, it will be almost complete...
for the top, however, that has already been decided... i purchased another sheet of plastruct, this time "stormy water," as well as hot pink PVC... i will spray one side of the PVC white, then glue the other side to the water effect plastic sheets... i will then cut the assembled sheets into three more equilateral triangles and assemble them into a little pyramid shape, then put another clear PVC layer on top of that... the pink death crystal on top of the structure becomes a shiny beacon coruscating with energy, and the white interior ensures that the pink is bold and bright...
the game i mentioned earlier in this post is the most ambitious to date - 13,000 points per side, single army, 3 assets each, imperial guard v. my chaos marines... the game itself will take place in september, and i already have my list ready and written up - death guard, emperor's children, iron warriors, alpha legion and word bearers... bring it on...