this is what has been done so far... the subjugator is now somewhat assembled, mainly freeform in design... currently, i can fit two predators side-by-side underneath without touching the twin-link blastmaster... this bastard will be rather huge...
right now, i have a lot of projects backed up on the bench... in addition to this one, i have a complete death guard contingent to paint, a complete emperor's children to paint, half of my daemon units, several squads of iron warriors, my imperial guard, my sisters of battle, as well as every fantasy model i own... needless to say i have a lot that needs doing...
i should probably be painting right now, but its too humid and sticky in here, and that means id need the fan on... which means paint would get dried out too quickly... on top of that, id need to spray matte my work, and the heavy mist outside is not conducive to doing so... ill probably finish my second soul grinder this week (khorne) and figure out how to finish constructing the body on the subjugator...
my original plan to build the amp failed, so there will be no functional speaker... my other original plan to construct the component parts first and then paint them has also failed... since this is a makeshift creation i have to build finalize as i go along... pain in the ass to be sure, but at least i can make changes going ahead without jeopardizing the rest of the project in the meantime... one change will be leveling out the body and legs, as they didnt come out perfectly... maybe its just my need to have everything even on all my vehicles... i dunno... its too hot to think...
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