i have been challenged to a massive mega-battle, one-on-one, of at least 10k per side... i have until september to prepare for the carnage... this means i now have one month to finish the construction of the subjugator, which you now see before you...
as this is my second scratch-built super-heavy, i decided to show the comparison in size, as well as where i plan it to extend to... the arms are already constructed and waiting for the body to be built, which will be done with plasticard and more bits... the head will be a speaker covered in matte varnish and painted over boltgun with gold... mounted into the shoulders are the two tormentor cannons, which are its primary weapons...
so on top of that, i have also started a brainstorm journal for all things wargame... its a small, red leatherette deal, magnetic clasp, $8 at walgreens... basically, every time i have an idea, and nothing but time to write it down in it goes in there... table ideas, mission ideas, etc... helps keep track of all the creative stuff i can't "shut off" in my head...
then there's the fantasy tournament coming up, which i already put my name down for... ill be going in as a fun list, just 33 ogres... i dont expect to come in first, just "not last" again... its more for fun than anything, quite honestly... once i get the body of the subjugator done at the least i can concentrate on painting my ogres... since its only 33 models, and most of them all the same color scheme (lots of bare skin), it shouldnt take too long to get most of it ready... i have a month and a half so i should be fine...
then there's the specialist games push happening at the store... necromunda, blood bowl and mordheim are going to be seeing a revival soon, with the blood bowl league starting in august... i would have had a team but i decided that would be too many projects to have at once... add to that the fact that monsterpocalypse is gaining in popularity, its going to be rough to do too much of anything at this time...
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