so when the battle for macragge starter box came out, i bought it... it came with marines and tyranids, but i mainly got it for the small rule book and free terrain... at the time, i wanted to start orks, as they had always been my favorite army, but i decided it prudent to build upon bugs, seeing that even back then i knew marines were gay...
fast forward 5 years and 9 armies later, i finally have an ork force ready to rok... enter "da 'urty dozen," a blood axe warband as a quirky homage to world war 2... the name originated when i was supposed to inherit an ork army of considerable size, and the original 1850 list contained 12 unit slots... the name just stuck, as did the theme of the force - american and british special forces from the last great war...
there is no set point limit in mind as this shall be my 'masterwork' force - granted, i make chaos super-heavies now as a matter of course, but this is more a test of both my modeling and painting skills... how good can i make this without running out of ideas? well the pinnacle of the force at the moment is "da supa-bomma" as seen in the picture... a model b-17 at 1:48 scale, the supa-bomma is the first ork super-heavy i've done... and probably won't be the last...
we begin with gutstab gobsmasha, the big boss of da 'urty dozen... rather than run a "proppa waaagh" like other bosses, gobsmasha prefers a much quieter approach - anyone can gut a man in a big rumble, but it takes a "real killa" to do it when no one's lookin, and gobsmasha is a real killa... either it's his way or no way, and several high-thinking nobz have had to find out what "no way" is the hard way...
next in line we have gunna wogrot and his wreckaz, gobsmasha's personal brute squad... every nob has ambitions of being the ork on top, but with a boss as cunning and skilled in combat as gobsmasha, wogrot is content for the present being "second boss" in the krew... while he may not have the brilliance of gobsmasha, wogrot has the discipline and battle prowess it takes to keep the rest of the boyz in check - when gobsmasha speaks, wogrot makes sure the rest listen up good...
the third character started as a generic filler, but soon became the comic relief for the entire concept... dok stabbawitz (yes, a jewish surgeon) was the most skilled painboy in the old warband, and the biggest loss to it once he defected with gobsmasha's krew... to his credit, he has yet to lose a patient he could realistically save, but a lot of the those who couldn't still live on as transplants... many an arm or leg has found its way back into full service in da 'urty dozen from dok stabbawitz's brilliance on the operating slab...
the fourth character to be named was the big mek, and chief engineer in gobsmasha's krew, 'toolz' murfy... 'toolz' was a recruit from another warband after the split, a specialist from the bad moons sent to keep an eye on gobsmasha while working for them... impressed with both gobsmasha's tactics, and his ability to leave valuable loot intact (instead of running in and blowing everything up in sight), 'toolz' saw potential in signing up - plenty of valuable loot, and all he'd have to do is keep everything running smoothly... well, the bad moons have enough mekz to not notice one missing in action...
the next two characters are the nob leaders of the two kommando teams in the force - trakka and shadez... trakka is the silent type, his mind set solely on whatever mission da boss tells him to do... as a result, his team, known as 'wun,' is just as quiet and efficient as their leader... shadez, however, is the exact opposite, revelling in the kill and quite fond of demolitions work... his team, 'too,' tends to take a more up front approach to stealth work... the pair of team leaders get along as well as any two orks could, comparing body counts after the job is done - any job that needs a little more force is bound to feel the 'wun-too kombo...'
after that bit of the army came the nob in charge of the shock troops - 'strika' irongob leads a team of 'ard boyz in every engagement that needs a more direct approach... considered to be the bodyguard of the boss' bodyguard, irongob's boyz are often given the job of securing a breach point in the enemy's lines, often with a burna mob as a support option... which brings us to spanna and chainz, two mekboyz who lead the burnas into the fire as it were...
with all the characters necessary to make a warband worthy to be orks, all that remains is building and painting it all nice... /post