the first, picture at top, is the zzap gun krew... keeping with my "looted imperium" theme thus far, i decided to take spare lascannons i had laying in the immense bitz box and rig up a trio on termie bases... then i decided they need to be orky, so i did what any brilliant mek would do and put bayonets on the underside of the zzap guns - style always trumps function in a greenskin force... add to that a grot mob with runtherd and we have our first tank popper... sure, the hit rate is a 50/50... and it's true that i may roll a 4 for strength when it really counts... but a gun krew is small and can be placed in cover, which is exactly what gobsmasha wants - throw three zzap guns inside a building or treeline and pop shots at heavy infantry (since they're AP 2 regardless of strength) and vehicles...
then i decided to take advantage of two things at once with the second picture... i had purchased, through proxy, a medusa conversion kit from forge world because i was building a guard force at the time... unfortunately, unless you take artillery in threes with a guard force, they are pretty much useless and easy to kill - fire magnets are never good when you only have the one... so the medusa sat around a lot, collecting both dust and ire until two days ago... i can't say how or why i decided on it, but before i knew it, i was looking for bitz to slap onto the medusa to make my first looted wagon... i don't even know where to begin with this one...
when i think of orks looting something, there are always additions to the original design... additional power cables... plates... superfluous gadgets that serve no practical value other than to exist... with this in mind, the first stage became armor plating, and with an abundance of fantasy shields laying about inside the bitz box, as well as ogre gut plates, i decided to go the trophy route... adorning almost every side of the looted medusa are totems and shields, as well as an ork icon and what will be another banner displayed proudly on the front of the vehicle - gobsmasha's pictogram will be on there as well... then it came time for the back of the tank, and it hit me again - gobsmasha and his krew love killing big game as much as smaller prey, and what could be bigger than the tyranid carnifex (at least in normal games anyway)... as a result, there are four fex carapace plates instead of a railing around the back, like a mobile hunting lodge - when hunting big game, you need a big gun, i guess... but the fun didn't stop there... it still needed something to make it more official that this was not just orky, but MY orky... wooden paneling protects the gear assembly of the boomgun on the sides, and there are two crates on the deck, presumably containing more shells... however, the unique bit rests solely with the two palm trees located in the corner - my homage to kelly's heroes... this looted wagon is home to a veteran krew, and one that enjoys its comforts...
this looted wagon has sun umbrellas on its deck... /post
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