which now brings us to gunna wogrot and his wreckaz... if gobsmasha is the brains, then wogrot's krew is the backbone... what da boss says goes, and those who dont get in line get a crack to the skull... wogrot, pictured on the left, is the captain to gobsmasha's colonel, also sporting a polearm big choppa, though not as long as gobsmasha's, and a slugga... next in line we have a choppa with kombi-scorcha, followed by a big choppa and kombi-scorcha, then slugga and choppa with voxcaster on the back, with a kombi-scorcha and choppa at the end... the entire krew has 'eavy armour and stikkbomms, as well as several different backup weapons (extra choppas, boltguns, backpacks, etc) that serve a purely cosmetic function - these boyz are kitted for the big fights, able to stand alongside da boss and come out on top of the pile no matter what...
simply put, da boss and his krew are meant to assault infantry and big game creatures, which is exactly how they like things... four one-shot heavy flamers, stikkbomms, and enough armour to withstand prolonged combat (short of power weapons anyway)... missing from this list at the moment, however, is one dok stabbawitz, the final piece of the top tier krew... while gobsmasha himself doesn't benefit from 'feel no pain,' the 12 wounds possessed by the krew certainly do...
all i need now is a battlewagon to transport them in... /post
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